Order Ritalin

Order Ritalin without prescription in our store. We sell without a prescription exactly those products that can also be found in pharmacies, where you always need a prescription for this drug. The active ingredient methylphenidate is often used for ADHD, more rarely for narcolepsy. It improves concentration, keeps you awake and suppresses hyperactivity in ADHD.



What you should know when you order Ritalin

When you order Ritalin, you have chosen a quality product.

Ritalin contains the active ingredient methylphenidate. The dosage is individualized after a careful diagnosis, since the optimal effect is achieved at different doses. The individual optimal effect cannot be attributed to body weight or plasma concentration alone.

The drug used is methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH-HCl). For therapy, tablets or capsules are available in various strengths and with either rapid, slowed (retarded), or combined (initially rapid, then slowed) release of active ingredient. Accordingly, the duration of action varies, ranging from one to four hours (non-retarded forms) to twelve hours (retarded forms). After the end of the duration of action, the symptoms of ADHD may become more pronounced (a so-called rebound).

You should only order Ritalin if there is a medical reason for it.


Similar drugs

Ritalin is probably the best known medication that contains this active ingredient. If you want to order Ritalin without a prescription, you can choose from all the popular variants. Even if you suffer from narcolepsy, you can buy Ritalin from us. If you want to buy methylphenidate here, you do not need a prescription. You can also order Modafinil here without a prescription, buy Strattera or order Attentin, for example. Below you can see a small selection:


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